segunda-feira, 16 de março de 2015

president of Brazil drives poor people to defend his political partie


"The MST (Movimento dos Sem Terra - Landless Movement) receives millions of dollars every year of our money, but the Lula commander they heard orders to go to the streets."

"Last week, the movement, trained by the millions of reais received in public funds in Lula and Dilma governments, launched its National Day of Struggle."

"WELL PAID João Pedro Stedile, leader of the landless, went to Venezuela to preach violence in the neighboring country and match of their group attacks in Brazil."

"Since 2004, only forty cooperatives and settlements pocketed 300 million. Part of that money, as federal police investigation and control bodies, trailed yet unknown ways."

"Two weeks ago, when the discussion on the possibility of impeachment proceedings against Dilma won public ares, Lula warned that the government and the PT would use the landless soldiers."

"There are days Stédile spoke like a head of state in a ceremony in honor of Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela killed in 2013. First, Stédile sent a hug" Lula companion "to supporters of the" commander mature ", referring the Nicolas Maduro, Chavez's successor in Venezuela and responsible for deepening the economic crisis and the repression of the opposition in the neighboring country. "

"Stédile is nothing but a leader of a mercenary force that still takes advantage of poverty and ignorance."

The Queromedefender Movement once again requires all competent Brazilian public authorities to urgently take legal measures to curb this bunch of troublemakers bandits who serves by the nickname of MST.

The higher the political awareness of the people, the less chance of being elected members of the PT, MST, CUT and other gangs!

Source: Veja Magazine, year 48, number 11, pages 54-57.

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